5 Plastic Surgery Trends You Should Know
There is a lot of pressure to look ‘picture perfect’ in the world of selfies. While camera filters seem to do a great job in fixing many aspects like straightening the nose if its crooked, making the eyes wider if they are small, and giving a facelift, people do want to carry the same effect in real life too! The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) has stated that the total number of minimally invasive cosmetic procedures has significantly increased i.e., it has grown nearly 200% since the year 2000 and it does not seem to slow down. With each passing day, state-of-the-art cosmetic procedures are introduced into the world, making them accessible to a wider audience and also making them relatively affordable. Here are some popular plastic surgery trends that you should know:
Injectables will take over the market
Procedures like lasers, injectables, and skin resurfacing are termed as lunchtime procedures, not just because they are quick but one can see visible results immediately and limited downtime. Botox, for example, was once used only by a limited section of people. Today, it is pretty much mainstream. According to the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (AAFPRS), in 2018, nearly four-fifths of all treatments were non-surgical in nature. Besides people can return to their normal life after the procedure quite immediately without any downtime.
Renowned cosmetic procedures like disproportionate breast enhancements, overly filled lips, etc are already seeing a drastic fall in the market. People are inclined towards retaining their base look i.e., they want their general face structure, family traits that are inherited to be retained, but they also want a few intricate tweaks that would just elevate the way they look. Tweakment is a procedure that believes in ‘less is more,’ and touches upon only the bare minimum. Many psychologists believe that such minimal procedures are done for people to feel more confident and for those looking at motivation factors in their lives.
Breast augmentation
The idea of breast augments has also evolved across the country. People are looking at naturally shaped and positioned implants than fillers that would make their breasts look overly-sized.
Little Cupid’s bow
The area between the nose and lip tends to elongate as one ages. This could make the lips look aged. In this procedure, instead of working on the lips by using a filler, the experts make a small incision under the nose and lift the lip up. This is a very small procedure, but it could bring a remarkable change to one’s face.
Body contouring
This refers to shaping your body the way you want it to be. Experts suggest that body contouring will continue to rule the market all through 2019 and beyond.