Treatments for Hyperhidrosis

Treatments for Hyperhidrosis

An estimated 7.8 million Americans suffer with hyperhidrosis or heavy sweating. Also referred to in the medical field as polyhidrosis or sudorrhea, this condition isn’t dangerous to patients, but may be both uncomfortable and embarrassing in nature. Excessive sweating can affect the entire body (what’s known as generalized hyperhidrosis) or be concentrated to a specific area (what’s known as focal hyperhidrosis) such as the underarms (axillary hyperhidrosis), the feet (palmoplantar hyperhidrosis), face, or the palms. Hyperhidrosis tends to appear during the adolescent years causing symptoms of noticeable sweat that soaks clothing, clammy palms and feet, irritation that may lead to bacterial or fungal infections, and self-consciousness that may lead to social withdrawal, resistance to human contact, and fear of body odors. While certain hereditary genes may be linked to hyperhidrosis, the following underlying causes may also be to blame: Diabetes Heart disease Parkingson’s disease Hodgkin’s disease TB or HIV infection Spinal cord injury Gout Anxiety disorder Prescription medications (i.e, antidepressants, etc.) Luckily, several effective treatments can help manage the symptoms of hyperhidrosis: 1. Prescription deodorant and antiperspirant Clinical deodorants and prescription antiperspirants may be recommended by your doctor to chemically impede sweat glands from producing perspiration. Prescription antiperspirants contain active aluminum chloride, which block the cells that produce sweat.
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Amyloidosis Symptoms and Treatment

Amyloidosis Symptoms and Treatment

Amyloidosis occurs when a build up of the protein, amyloid, collects in clusters in the tissues and organs, impeding their healthy function. Amyloidosis is a serious health problem that can lead to life-threatening organ failure (i.e, heart disease, kidney damage, digestive disorders, bone marrow destruction, and nerve disorders) if left untreated. There are three main types of amyloidosis: primary amyloid, secondary amyloid, and familial or hereditary amyloid. Amyloidosis causes several symptoms, including: Purpura (purple bags or spots)around the eyes Swelling of the legs and ankles Shortness of breath Numbness or pain in the hand, feet and wrist Difficulty swallowing Unexpected weight loss An enlarged tongue Bloody diarrhea or constipation An irregular heartbeat Skin changes like thickening and easy bruising Here is a run down of amyloidosis types and treatments for each: 1. Primary Amyloidosis This is the most common form of amyloidosis. The antibody protein deposited is part of the light chain. Originating in the bone marrow, primary amyloid is a plasma cell disorder. It is treated as a type of bone cancer with chemotherapy. This condition affects about 2,000 persons in the U.S. each year. 2. Secondary Amyloidosis This secondary type is composed of deposits of the AA protein.
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The Purpose and Perks of Short Term Health Insurance

The Purpose and Perks of Short Term Health Insurance

Even though health insurance is no longer required, going without it can be a risky proposition for your overall health as well as short term and long term finances. Whether you need a short term plan to cover healthcare in instances of a lay off or job loss, or if you have a short period of time before anticipated coverage begins, it is possible to reduce the stress of being uninsured with a short term health insurance policy. Here is how short term health insurance may provide a useful and cost-effective way to keep your health coverage alive: 1. Cover the basics Short term medical insurance is used to cover the basics of medical needs. These plans are good for an emergency and to cover preventative and emergency care when waiting for coverage to begin on another policy. Though the deductibles may be higher than traditional plans, it provides much of the same coverage. Additionally, there is usually not a need to change doctors. You can see the doctor you want in the network that you choose. A short term health plan will not cover pre-existing conditions, so it is important to research plans to determine that the policy chosen fits your specific needs.
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Signs and Symptoms of Nasal Polyps

Signs and Symptoms of Nasal Polyps

Nasal polyps are swellings that occur on the nose lining as a result of chronic inflammation caused by allergy infections and weak immune. Nasal polyps can affect anyone at any age group, but in most instances they’re common in adults. While nasal polyps may be painless, they often have telltale symptoms. Nevertheless, they can be treated by doctor-recommended treatments that involve shrinking or elimination. Below are some prevalent signs and symptoms of nasal polyps: 1. Runny nose When you have nasal polyps, the tendency to feel you have a cold is high. During this period you may have a continuous urge to blow your nose. 2. Persistent nasal congestion Nose blockage is a significant symptom of nasal polyps. Patients with large nasal polyps, they find difficulty in breathing through the nose owing to nasal congestion. 3. Postnasal drip It is prevalent for nasal polyps’ patients to experience extra mucus running down their throat. They will often feel the urge to clear their throat regularly. 4. Loss of sense of taste and smell In some cases, a nasal polyp patient may lose the sense of taste due to surgical treatment. Also, the sense of smell may be lost due to nasal polyps blocking the nose.
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Signs and Symptoms of HIV

Signs and Symptoms of HIV

Human immune-deficiency virus, or HIV, is a virus that attacks the cells in the body that help fight off infections. It makes the person vulnerable to other diseases and infections. HIV is spread through contact of body fluids of a person who has the disease. This is generally done during unprotected sex. HIV transmission is also possible via sharing equipment for blood transfusion or injection drugs like needles. There is no cure for HIV, and if left untreated, HIV may progress into AIDS (or acquired immune-deficiency syndrome). Symptoms of HIV may not be experienced by every patient, but often include the following: 1. Headaches and fever Although every person with the virus will not have all of the same symptoms, a headache that lasts for several days or weeks should be given attention. Many people will have a fever without being able to be precise about the reason. This can also last for a prolonged period of time without a common cause. The only way to determine if you have HIV and AIDS is to be tested. 2. Sore throat and muscle aches and pain HIV occurs in three different stages. Stage one is the acute HIV infection stage. In two to four weeks after being infected, some people will develop flu-like symptoms which is the way that the body responds to the infection.
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Symptoms of Dupuytren’s Contracture

Symptoms of Dupuytren’s Contracture

Dupuytren’s Contracture is a condition that mostly affects the little and the ring fingers though it can affect any finger. It causes a thickening and tightening that is abnormal in the elastic tissue beneath the palm and fingers. The skin on the palm starts to appear dimpled or as if it has nodules or knots. The causes of Dupuytren’s Contracture is not well established, but research already conducted concludes that there is no link between the overuse of the hand and the condition. Some of the likely contributors to the condition include diabetes, smoking, seizures, old age, and specific genes. Several symptoms are associated with this condition which includes the following: 1. Thickening of the skin on the palm of your hand Among the first symptoms of Dupuytren’s contracture hand deformity is a thickening of the skin on the palms of your hands. It causes a thickening of the tissues’ fibrous layer. The name of this layer is the fascia. 2. Puckered or dimpled skin As the fascia continues to thicken, lumps or nodules usually form under the skin of the palm. The progression of this tightening leads to the dimples or pits on the palm’s surface as Dupuytren’s Contracture tries to pull the skin that overlies your palm.
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The Best Birth Control Options

The Best Birth Control Options

When it comes to preferred birth control options, there is no one type of contraception method that suits everyone and their needs. Keeping in mind the basic birth control operate via hormonal methods, which block the ovaries from releasing eggs; barrier methods, which block sperm from reaching egg; medical methods, which alter the body’s ability to release sperm or eggs: and behavior contraception, like withdrawal or abstinence. Birth control is an extremely personal choice, and many individuals choose to utilize multiple birth control options (i.e., oral birth control pills and condoms) to safeguard against pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). However, these are the most popular birth control methods: 1. Hormonal birth control pills Hormonal birth control pills are a popular birth control method for women. These are taken on a pre-set schedule (i.e., daily, monthly, yearly) in order to prevent ovulation and pregnancy. However, many women do worry about exposing their bodies to hormones in stronger dose combination pills. Luckily, innovations in hormonal birth control have introduced lower hormone birth control options, such as Lo Loestrin Fe, which is the lowest dose contraceptive available and prevents pregnancy with as little as 10 micrograms of daily estrogen on a 26 day cycle.
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How to Choose the Right Hearing Aid

How to Choose the Right Hearing Aid

Hearing aids are electronic devices that provide sound to patients with partial or total hearing loss. There are different types of hearing aids to choose from, including wireless rechargeable hearing aids (like the popular brand Eargo wireless hearing aids) that also come with an activation kit, which includes a charger and batteries for your devices. Many wireless hearing aid options also utilize Bluetooth technology to connect wirelessly to smartphones or tablets so the user can stream audio content directly from any compatible device. Hearing aids are a very personal choice. Read on for some helpful tips for choosing the right hearing aids for your specific needs: 1. Get a Checkup with an Audiologist The first thing you should do is schedule an audiogram test. The results will help determine which ear has a higher degree of hearing loss and the nature of your condition. You can get this done at any otorhinolaryngologic or a reputable audiology clinic. If there are other issues going on with your ears, such as earwax, infection, or a foreign object in your ear canal, the doctor will need to extract it before you can wear hearing aids. 2. Ensure the hearing aid has a warranty Hearing aids are expensive, and you should protect your investment by getting a warranty.
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6 Warning Signs of Macular Degeneration

6 Warning Signs of Macular Degeneration

Macular degeneration (MD) affects over 11 million Americans today. This number is even more considerable than glaucoma and cataract patients combined, and the reason why macular degeneration has been listed as the leading cause of vision loss in the U.S. There are two types of MD—dry and wet, with the latter carrying the most significant number of patients. The main cause of macular degeneration is the deterioration of the principal part of the retina—which is the back layer of the eye responsible for decoding images sent to the brain via the optic nerve. The central part of the retina, also known as the macular, is responsible for eye focusing. Hence, it controls your ability to read, recognize objects, drive, and focus on other things in fine detail. With that in mind, let’s examine the warning signs of macular degeneration: 1. Difficulty recognizing faces Macular degeneration affects your vision. This means that it affects your ability to see objects clearly, including other peoples’ faces. Also, this affects how the image is sent to the brain as well as how it is decoded. This can be very embarrassing, especially when you can’t recognize your relative or a close friend when passing them on the street.
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