Diet Recommendations for COPD

Diet Recommendations for COPD

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), also known as chronic bronchitis, is a chronic disease affecting the respiratory system. The airways in the lungs become inflamed, causing breathing problems. Sadly, there is no cure for COPD yet. This condition worsens over time, making breathing progressively difficult, leading to disability and fatality. However, the condition can be treated and one can see improvements in the symptoms. Once diagnosed, COPD is treated with medication, lifestyle modifications, pulmonary rehabilitation, surgery, palliative care, and alternative therapy. When we talk about lifestyle modifications, one of the steps that can have a positive impact is diet. Eating right is one lifestyle change doctors advise to those suffering from COPD. Include these groups of nutrients in your diet to see relief. Carbohydrates The process of digesting carbohydrates gives out more carbon dioxide than the amount of carbon dioxide exhaled when digesting fat. This indicates that a diet low in carbs and high in fat can help a COPD patient breathe easily. One of the recommendations for a COPD-friendly diet is the inclusion of complex carbohydrates like whole grains, fresh fruits, and vegetables. Avoid simple carbohydrates that can be broken down easily and found naturally in dairy and fruits.
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Healthy Snack Options for Children

Healthy Snack Options for Children

Growing kids get hungry between meals and snacks, making this the perfect opportunity to sneak in some extra nutrients into your child’s diet. The packaged snack options available in the supermarket need to be avoided as they are often made of refined flour, added sugars, and artificial ingredients. Instead of filling your child’s tummy with junk food, you can opt for some whole foods that will give your child the stamina and energy to get through the day. Some healthy snack options that you can feed your child: 1. Yogurt Yogurt is a good source of calcium and protein, making it an excellent snack for growing kids. The developing bones of the child need a constant supply of calcium, which yogurt can provide. Due to the live bacteria present in yogurt, it is also beneficial to the child’s digestive system. Instead of opting for the yogurt that is marketed for kids, pick the plain, full-fat yogurt and sweeten it with a drizzle of honey or some fresh fruit. However, make sure that you do not give honey to infants under 12 months of age. 2. Celery with peanut butter and raisins This snack is popularly referred to as ants on a log, and it is a fun way to get your child to eat some vegetables.
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Healthy And Diabetic-Friendly Late-Night Snack Options

Healthy And Diabetic-Friendly Late-Night Snack Options

Diabetes and sugar levels surge while sleeping. Called the “dawn phenomenon”, sugar levels spike after midnight and remain that way until about 8 a.m. It is attributed to the release of hormones in the body, or it happens if the insulin dose or medication before bed is skipped or is insufficient. This can also happen because of the consumption of a high-carb snack right before bedtime, which increases glucose in the body. One of the ways for diabetics to reduce sugar levels is to have safe late snacks. These snacks should be rich in fiber and low in carbs. Glucose is produced by the liver, and foods that prevent excess production of glucose by the liver are known as safe late snacks for diabetics. Eating at least 2 hours before bedtime is the healthiest habit. However, for diabetics, doctors encourage a safe late snack before bedtime to prevent the dawn phenomenon. It is also important to not binge on bedtime snacks and eat only small portions. Here’s a list of food items to prepare safe late snacks for diabetics: Carbohydrates Include brown rice, whole wheat, quinoa, steel-cut oatmeal, vegetables, fruits, beans, and lentils. Avoid sugar, pasta, white bread, flour, cookies, pastries, and white potatoes.
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Whole30 Snacks Available Online

Whole30 Snacks Available Online

Whole30 snacks can be tricky as many foods that you buy at the store contain additives or added sweeteners that are not part of the diet plan. The development of healthy eating habits is the good side to the strictness of the program, but the downside is that it forces you to prep your snack options. Finding healthy and Whole30-approved snacks online is a little difficult, but here’s a list of some great Whole30 snacks you can buy online: The New Primal Sea Salt Beef Thins This 100% grass-fed beef free of added hormones and antibiotics is not just delicious but also has a very satisfying crunch with the right amount of salt. Tio Gazpacho Chilled Soup Variety Pack Thanks to these amazing grab-and-go sippable soup packs, soup can now make for a simple snack for people on the Whole30 diet. The Gazpacho Verde made with kale, spinach, avocado, and mint is very refreshing and tastes great. Kettle and Fire Mushroom Chicken Bone Broth This broth is very healthy as it contains collagen, amino acids, and nutrients to help improve energy levels. All you need to do is heat up the broth, pour it into your favorite mug, and enjoy.
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Top 5 Foods To Prevent Heart Diseases

Top 5 Foods To Prevent Heart Diseases

Heart diseases are one of the major causes of deaths worldwide. One of the main factors that constitute a higher risk for heart disease is an unhealthy diet. What you eat affects your heart health, as the wrong foods can end up causing an imbalance in your blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels, which are all high-risk symptoms for heart diseases. Here is a list of top foods to prevent heart disease risks: Green-leafy vegetables Foods such as kale, collard greens, and spinach contain elements such as vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals which are prerequisites for a healthy heart. Green leafy vegetables are especially rich in vitamin K, which provides protection in the arteries and also ensures that proper blood clotting happens. They also contain an element known as dietary nitrate which is effective in the reduction of blood pressure and blood vessel cells’ functioning. It also promotes a decrease in the arterial stiffness. Whole grains This is one ingredient that you need to consume to prevent heart disease, as they are rich with nutrients. Whole grains carry the germ endosperm and the bran (the parts of a grain that is packed with nutrients). Some of the most commonly used forms of whole grains include oats, wheat, brown rice, barley, buckwheat, quinoa, and rye.
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Healthy Fats to Help Psoriatic Arthritis

Healthy Fats to Help Psoriatic Arthritis

Healthy fats containing omega-3 fatty acids (essential fatty acids) help to manage psoriatic arthritis symptoms and reduce inflammation. These natural foods containing healthy fats for a psoriatic arthritis diet are mentioned below. Fish oil Fish such as trout, herring, and salmon are loaded with healthy fats. You must load up on these as they are rich in anti-inflammatory omega-3 acids as well. Fish oils are better than animal fats. Avoid animal fats as they may adversely affect overall health. Fish oil supplements are also available over the counter. They are very good at the immune system and help to strengthen the body’s defense mechanism. Avoid canned fish and opt for the fresh catch as far as possible. Shark cartilage Shark cartilage extracts are used for treating psoriatic arthritis. They are available as supplements. Several extracts are made from shark cartilage and used in the treatment of PSA. Probiotics Some health care providers recommend probiotics to treat psoriatic arthritis as probiotics are loaded with good bacteria. Probiotics are microorganisms that have health benefits when consumed. The people with psoriatic arthritis have lower levels of good bacteria in the gut. Consuming probiotics that are loaded with good bacteria helps to heal and reduce inflammation in the body.
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Foods That Help Prevent Lung Cancer In Smokers

Foods That Help Prevent Lung Cancer In Smokers

The Centers For Disease Control And Prevention has published that tobacco smoking is the primary cause of lung cancer in both men and women in the country. Not only that, the maximum number of lung cancer-related deaths occurs among smokers. This is because the risk of developing the condition increases by 30% in smokers compared to non-smokers. Unfortunately, passive smoking is also one of the primary causes of deaths due to lung cancer. However, according to research, there may be certain food items that help prevent the development of lung cancer, especially in smokers. while the condition cannot be prevented fully, its chances can be reduced by controlling risk factors. Researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles, believe lung cancer may be averted, or at least the risk can be reduced if individuals who smoke regularly include two or more servings of fresh fruits, vegetables, seeds, pulses, and nuts in their diet every day. The nine types of foods that help reduce the risk of developing lung cancer are: Black, green and white tea, all contain flavonoids — a kind of plant compound — that helps prevent cancer. Flavanoids are antioxidants that fight cell damage caused by carcinogens. So, include a steaming cup of tea with the morning breakfast to help prevent cancer.
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Renal Cancer-Friendly Meal Plans

Renal Cancer-Friendly Meal Plans

Renal cancer, or cancer of the kidney, is a disease that strikes the cells within the tubal in one or both kidneys which are located on either side of the backbone, just above the waist. Fruits, vegetables, meat, seafood, and cereals, which have lower potassium and phosphorus levels, are often among the recommended foods for renal cancer. It is difficult to avoid phosphorous as many foods contain natural phosphorus, or it may be added by food manufacturers. Therefore, meals cooked at home with low potassium, sodium, and phosphorus ingredients would be the best alternative for renal cancer: 1. Foods that are low in potassium Fruits such as apples, strawberries, blueberries, grapefruit, pineapple, cranberries, raspberries, and cherries. Vegetables like cauliflower, broccoli, eggplant, beans, red, green, and yellow bell peppers, cabbage, garlic, onions, asparagus. Cereals such as white rice, white pasta, and white bread have to be included instead of whole wheat bread and brown rice. 2. Food options low in phosphorus Red meats without marinades and sauces, lean beef, chicken, and eggs. Seafood like salmon and perch. Low-fat cheese or sour cream. Fresh white bread, bagels, muffins. Homemade meals or snacks. Macadamia nuts. Rice milk and almond milk, lemon soda, ginger ale, fresh-brewed coffee.
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Foods to Prevent Heartburn and GERD Naturally

Foods to Prevent Heartburn and GERD Naturally

Gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD, is a digestive disorder that affects the lower esophageal sphincter (or LES) muscles between the esophagus and stomach. When these muscles relax, acid from the stomach may flow back into the esophagus, causing a burning sensation in the chest area and a bitterness in the throat and mouth, which is called heartburn. Millions of Americans suffer from heartburn, but it is more significantly present in pregnant women and obese people, along with people who smoke and drink alcohol frequently. In the initial stages, GERD can be treated effectively by making simple lifestyle changes like reducing stress, sleeping better, and making some minor modifications to the diet. The following foods are known to help prevent heartburn and other symptoms of GERD: 1. Fresh fruits Consume plenty of fresh fruits that are not from the citrus family. Bananas, apples, pineapples, pears, plums, guava, watermelon, muskmelon, avocados, and peaches are good choices. You can have a bowl of fruit for breakfast, along with some whole-grain cereals and some healthy nuts. 2. Colorful veggies Include vegetables like lettuce, kale, spinach, celery, asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, carrots, green beans, potatoes, beetroots, and cucumber. You can enjoy these in a salad or simply sauté them in a spoon of healthy olive oil.
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Healthy Snacking To Maintain Cholesterol Levels

Healthy Snacking To Maintain Cholesterol Levels

There is a very simple yet profound quote that says, “Do not place all the eggs in one basket.” More often than not, we follow this principle when it comes to financial investments. After all, you would not want to risk your hard-earned money on a bad investment. However, if you were to take it a step further, the quote holds good for every single aspect of one’s life too! Take eating habits for example. Adding a variety of food, instead of one or one kind helps us to maintain good health. When it comes to cholesterol, this is very important as a dietary portfolio of cholesterol-lowering foods, would prevent any further damage to your system. Here is all you need to know about guilt-free snacks for high cholesterol. Is it even good to snack? Yes, it is. Several experts suggest that it is important that we snack as it boosts your metabolism, and for those who have cholesterol coupled with high blood sugar levels, it is imperative that they eat in small portions and more than five times so that their blood sugar levels are under control. What one should be careful about is not eating an unhealthy snack.
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