How Superfoods Reduce the Risk of Cancer

How Superfoods Reduce the Risk of Cancer

Did you know, that only 5% of the cancers are hereditary or caused by genetic factors? The other cancers are mostly caused by our lifestyle, our environment, and food. Even from this group of cancers, about 30-35% of cancers have greater chances of being prevented by making the right choices and drastically changing what we eat and how we live. A few of the basic thumb rules that one should follow to reduce the risk of cancer are: Say no to any form of tobacco Choose the right fruits, vegetables, and combinations that give you enough protein, vitamins, and minerals to build immunity and fight diseases. Exercise for 30 minutes every day. Obesity is a gateway to many diseases, making it essential to maintain a healthy weight. Protect yourself against viral infections. Restrict alcohol consumption to one drink a day. Avoid exposure to radiation. Avoid exposure to chemical hazards. Take adequate rest. Superfood and cancer prevention Cancer is caused by uncontrollable growth and division of cells. It has no known cure yet, but maintaining a healthy lifestyle and proper diet has been thought to go a long way in reducing an individual’s chances of developing this disease. What are superfoods?
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Food Allergies And Their Causes In Horses

Food Allergies And Their Causes In Horses

Like in pet cats and dogs, food allergies in pet horses are also difficult to diagnose. There is no proper testing method for the symptoms and triggers for food allergies in pets. So, the standard method of diagnosis is an elimination diet. This requires strictly and systematically eliminating one food item the horse eats routinely and observing whether the allergic symptoms reduce. The trigger food can be identified through this process, but consistently following this process will take a long time, close to 4-6 weeks at times, and it also requires patience. Although quite uncommon, food allergies in horses can be vague and quite tedious to identify. By ruling out other diseases, the veterinarian usually concludes that the pet horse indeed has a food allergy. However, this process can sometimes take even a few months, and the horse must not be fed any other feeds and supplements during that period. After the symptoms alleviate with the elimination diet, the horse must be challenged with its previous diet to check whether the symptoms recur and to identify the trigger foods. Symptoms The symptoms of food allergies in horses are both gastrointestinal and dermatological: Dermal pruritus or the urge to keep scratching continuously due to itching Inflammation and redness of the skin Crusty or scaly skin texture and hair loss because of constant itching Papules or secondary skin lesions Hives that appear suddenly Vascular inflammation of the blood vessels that can make them thick, weak, narrow, or scarred.
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4 Healthy Cat Treats that You can Make at Home

4 Healthy Cat Treats that You can Make at Home

People tend to shower love and affection towards their pets. Pampering the pet by offering yummy treats makes them happy. Cat parents are not any different and in fact, they sometimes worry too much about what they should feed them. When it comes to buying healthy cat treats, they have too many questions such as. Are treats good for a cat? What type of treats are healthy for cats? Can the treats be made at home? Is there any limitation for servings per day? Do they have enough calories? Will the treats provide value for money? How will I know what the treat is made of? Will my cat like the flavor of treats? You can bake biscuits, you can cook tiny pieces of chicken, liver, or eggs. You can also bake thin slices of meat to make crispy and crunchy cat treats. Avoid using parts like fish bones so that they do not get stuck in your cat’s throat or teeth. Ensure that the treats are neither too soft nor too hard. Here are some easy DIY cat treats recipes that you can make – they can be fresh and made in batches, which means lesser additives. They can be made out of the ingredients that are in your fridge and pantry.
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Heart-Healthy Diet Tips For Lowering Blood Pressure

Heart-Healthy Diet Tips For Lowering Blood Pressure

The buildup of blood pressure along the artery walls is known as hypertension or is commonly referred to as high blood pressure. This build-up of pressure can end up damaging the blood vessels, which in turn, can lead to health issues such as heart disease, stroke, and kidney problems over some time. This is referred to as one of the silent killers of health as most symptoms do not manifest themselves for a long period. Leaving the condition untreated only adds to health issues. There are quite a few environmental risk factors associated with this condition and they are totally out of one’s control. One element that can be controlled is food, which plays a strong role in not just lowering the blood pressure but also keeping your overall health. Here are a few things that you need to understand as diet tips for lowering your blood pressure: Why is heart-healthy eating essential? When you follow a heart-healthy diet, you are not only keeping your blood pressure in check but also reducing any sort of risk in terms of heart attacks, strokes, and other forms of health threats. The main idea should be to only derive nutrition that your body needs from a variety of food sources.
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Antioxidants People Suffering from Lymphoma Must Have

Antioxidants People Suffering from Lymphoma Must Have

Antioxidants protect the immune system by fighting free radicals that cause cell damage. This cell damage leads to chronic diseases and cancer. People suffering from lymphoma have abnormal white blood cells in the immune system. Antioxidants help lymphoma patients by slowing tumor growth and enhancing the effects of chemotherapy. Antioxidants are powerful as they help prevent the recurrence of cancer. Antioxidants are found in various foods and can be had as supplements. Many doctors suggested following a diet rich in antioxidants rather than supplements. Antioxidants people must have: Curcumin Turmeric contains curcumin, which gives it its yellow color. Studies have proved that curcumin has great potential for lymphoma therapy, as it suppresses tumor growth, kills malignant cells, and inhibits metastasis. Selenium Studies have proved that when selenium is administered with chemotherapy, it is more powerful to kill cancer cells than chemotherapy alone. Brazil nuts, fish, whole grain cereals, and eggs are rich in selenium. Include these foods in your diet to have a better chance at recovery. Resveratrol Resveratrol is a powerful anti-cancer substance. It helps to prevent the multiplication of cancer cells. Pistachios, cranberries, blueberries, peanuts, grapes, and dark chocolate are loaded with resveratrol. It substitutes are available and prescribed to people undergoing chemotherapy.
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Nutrition And Lifestyle When Suffering From Hepatitis B

Nutrition And Lifestyle When Suffering From Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B is a disease of the liver, so it is important to take care of this organ. You can take many steps to lessen the damage of the virus. You must treat your body well and provide it with adequate nutrition. Being overweight or obese increases the risk of liver damage. Nutrition tips: Choose your carbohydrates wisely Carbohydrates fuel the body. There are two types of carbohydrates: simple and complex. Simple carbs are also called empty calories, as the body metabolizes these quickly as they are made of simple sugar called glucose. Starchy, low fiber foods like white rice, potatoes, and pasta fall into this category. Complex carbs, on the other hand, take longer to metabolize and are considered healthier. Minimally processed, non-white foods such as beans, whole grains, brown rice, oatmeal, barley, and quinoa are some of the higher quality carbs. Avoid simple carbs as they are a strain on the liver. Fructose-free sweets Avoid foods containing fructose as the sugar can raise triglycerides, create insulin resistance, and cause fatty liver disease. Instead, opt for sweets and desserts that are lower in fructose. If you have hepatitis B, limit added sugar to less than 10 percent of calories per day.
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Do’s and Don’ts of Keto Diet

Do’s and Don’ts of Keto Diet

Keto diets have been around for a while and while they have led to different results in different individuals, the general consensus s that they are quite effective. These diets encourage individuals to stick to eating a little of every food group and not deprive themselves of anything. however, the proportion of the food group being consumed is strictly monitored. For the body to achieve ketosis, which is a metabolic state wherein the body uses fat for energy instead of carbohydrates, one needs to have a fat-rich diet. In keto, meals have to have 55%–60% fat, 30%–35% protein and 5%–10% carbohydrates. Owing to the popularity of the diet, many companies and brands have come out with their versions of keto food options. From sauces, to chocolate bars, to pastas, there are keto versions of everything. But how many of these actually adhere to the laws of the keto diet and are good or one? Do they comply with the strict keto dos and don’ts? Whenever you see a special ketogenic label on a packaged food item, you need to be wary and understand whether these ingredients do comply with the natural ingredient requirements. The reason you need to be careful is that most often there are one or more ingredients in these special ketogenic labeled foods that don’t work or aren’t allowed on a keto diet.
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Storing Dairy And Meat Products In The Refrigerator

Storing Dairy And Meat Products In The Refrigerator

Food items, even when stored in the refrigerator, have only a few days of shelf life. Dairy and meat products can especially get spoiled very easily if they are not stored properly. Listed below are some safety and storage tips for refrigerating food like meat and dairy products properly: Refrigerating dairy products Many dairy products we use in our everyday cooking, like fresh milk, cream, and some soft cheeses, lose quality quite rapidly when exposed to warm temperatures during the storage process as they tend to have short shelf lives. It’s important to check the temperature of your refrigerator and ensure that it is high in case you have some of these dairy products stored in it. You will also need to keep dairy products wrapped or covered as they tend to pick up flavors from the other food items stored in the refrigerator. Although hard cheese has a longer shelf life, it develops surface mold. Eggs also need to be stored in the refrigerator to lengthen their shelf life considerably and also help maintain the quality of the eggs. Storing raw meat products in the refrigerator The term meat generally refers to and includes beef, pork, lamb, and such.
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5 Delicious Desserts that Use Superfood Spices

5 Delicious Desserts that Use Superfood Spices

When we think of spices and cooking, we immediately think of hot and spicy curries and meat dishes. Spices can enhance the flavors of sweets and desserts too. Cinnamon is a common spice used in many desserts. It combines well with cakes made with fruit. There are many ways in which we can include spices in sweet dishes. Here are some simple and easy-to-make sweet dishes that incorporate superfood spices well. Spiced chocolate plum smoothie Blend three pitted ripe sweet plums, ½ cup non-dairy milk, one or two pitted dates, one teaspoon ground chia seeds, one tablespoon cocoa powder, ½ teaspoon cinnamon, a tiny pinch of cardamom, cloves, nutmeg, and turmeric. You can also add a banana to make the smoothie thick. Tea leaf cookie Grind two tablespoons of leaf tea into powder. Mix in one teaspoon of ground cardamom, one teaspoon ground cinnamon, ½-teaspoon ground ginger, ½-teaspoon ground nutmeg, ¼-teaspoon ground cloves, two pinches of salt and two pinches of pepper. In a bowl, beat one cup butter, ½-cup white sugar, and one teaspoon vanilla extract until creamy. Add the tea mixture and beat well. Fold in two cups of all-purpose flour until a thick dough is formed. In a flat surface roll out the dough to ¼ inch thickness and cut cookies using a cookie cutter.
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Tips To Prevent Freezer Odors

Tips To Prevent Freezer Odors

Checking the freezer contents regularly and removing stale or spoiled food helps maintain hygiene and prevents freezer odors. However, this checking is overlooked or postponed many times. Food left in the back of the trays or where it cannot be reached easily is ignored and overstays its life in the freezer, causing it to go bad. When stale food leaves its traces in the freezer, just pulling out the packet or container of the food will not get rid of the odor. The bacteria might have spread to the whole freezer and its contents if they are not stored in airtight containers. The gasket lining or the water lines could be carrying particles or liquids of the spoiled food and will have to be thoroughly cleaned. Regular cleaning The freezer interiors have to be wiped clean at least once in 3 months. Before cleaning, empty the freezer and switch it off. After it thaws, remove the water that collects, and repeat this cleaning with a sponge or soft cloth until all the dampness is gone. Things to use for cleaning the interiors of the freezer Clean the sides and shelves with a mixture of warm water and vinegar. Soak all the bins in soap and water and then clean them thoroughly.
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